March 2019 - Radio Interview - Haydn Mass in Tempore Belli / CSO
February 2019 - Inside The Arts Interview - Konstanze at New Orleans Opera
Austin Opera's Carmen - Radio Interview at KUT Austin
"He [Escamillo] is flashy -- that's me. I mean, look -- I'm dressed all flashy," Garrett says (and he is indeed much more snazzily attired than the typical radio guest). "I like attention, I like to look nice, I like to command a room, so it's actually pretty typecast."
"And I've known Norman since college, so I can attest to that," agrees soprano Heather Phillips, who's performing Micaela in Carmen. She also feels a kinship with her character. "I think of my younger self," she says. "[Micaela is] very much looking for the kind of rulebook way of life, and that's how I was growing up. I'm from the Midwest. She comes from a smaller town, she ventures out into Seville... and has a lot of experiences that are kind of eye-opening for her. I've definitely experienced that in my own life."
- From Austin Opera Takes 'Carmen' To The '70's by Mike Lee, KUT Austin